Priority Property Services

Quality Policy Statement

Priority Property Services Pty Ltd provides cleaning and associated maintenance building services for




Retail and
institutional sites

It has earned a good reputation for servicing its customer in a professional timely manner.

This is achieved by strict process control and continually assessing the customers needs.

Priority Property Services Pty Ltd objective is to continually improve our operations and services to meet our customer needs. Our work is done with our clients expectations in mind.

Priority Property Services Pty Ltd is extending its quality system to fulfil the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9002: 1994 – “Quality system – Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing”.

Quality is the responsibility of every employee. To assist this obligation the Management of Priority Property Services Pty Ltd shall ensure that staff are clearly briefed as to their responsibilities and that suitably qualified personnel are provided with adequate resources and training to maintain and improve the specified quality standard.

To monitor our stated aims it is the policy of Priority Property Services Pty Ltd to audit the Quality System regularly to maintain its integrity.

The guidelines to this Quality System are given in our Quality Manual, Quality Procedures and Work Instructions.