Priority Property Services
General Policy
The occupational health and safety of all persons employed within the organization and those visiting the organization is considered to be of the utmost importance. Resources in line with the importance attached to occupational health and safety will be made available to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations and to ensure that the workplace is safe and without risk to health.
It is our management policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all our employees.
In belief that all workplace accidents are preventable PPS will ensure that risks to health & safety are managed efficiently and effectively. This involves identification; assessment and control of workplace hazards to ensure risks are reduced or eliminated.
The principles on which our policy is based are as follows:
- Provide adequate training and information regarding safe work practices in the use of equipment and handling and storage of chemicals.
- When providing service on a client’s premises to ensure work practices do not put at risk the health, safety and welfare of client’s employees.
- Ensure that our staffs are aware of Client Company’s Occupational Health & Safety policy and abide by that policy whilst on site. Record and investigate accidents or near misses and ensure appropriate corrective action is taken.
- Continually audit work practices of employees on all sites where we provide service to ensure that our responsibilities as employers under the Occupational Health & Safety Act or other Government legislation are complied with.
The General Manager is responsible for compliance with the relevant laws and regulations, and for providing safe systems of work. Area managers are responsible for ensuring our OH&S policies and programs are developed in consultation with employees, implemented, and work effectively.
Management’s Responsibility
The promotion and maintenance of occupational health and safety is primarily the responsibility of Management. Management at all levels is required to contribute to the health and safety of all persons in the workplace. To this end, it is Management’s responsibility to develop, implement and keep under review, in consultation with its employees, the Organisation’s OHS Program.
Specific Responsibilities
a) Managers
Each Manager is required to ensure that this policy and the OHS Program is developed and effectively implemented in their areas of control, and to support supervisors and hold them accountable for their specific responsibilities.
b) Supervisors
Each first-line supervisor is responsible, and will be held accountable, for taking all practical measures to ensure:
that in the area of their control the OHS Program is complied with and employees are supervised and trained to meet their requirements under this Program; that employees are consulted in issues which affect their health and safety and any concerns they may have are referred to Management.
c) Employees
All employees are required to co-operate with the OHS Policy and Programs to ensure their own health & safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace.
d) Contractors and Subcontractors
All Contractors and sub-contractors engaged to perform work on the organisation’s premises or locations are required, as part of their contract, to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety policies, procedures and programs of the organisation and to observe directions on health and safety from designated officers of the organization. Failure to comply or observe a direction will be considered a breach of the contract and sufficient grounds for termination of the contract.
Occupational Health and Safety Program
In order to implement the general provisions of this policy, a program of activities and procedures will be set up, continually updated and effectively carried out.
The program will relate to all aspects of occupational health and safety including:
- OHS training and education;
- Work design, workplace design and standard work methods;
- Changes to work methods and practice; including those associated with technological change;
- Emergency procedures and drills;
- Provision of OHS equipment, services and facilities;
- Workplace inspections and evaluations;
- Reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses;
- Provision of information to employees, contractors and sub-contractors:
- Health & Safety at Work
As an integral part of Staff Training each staff member would be trained on the Policies, Rules, Procedures and Safety standards of the Company on the site where they are employed.
Where protective clothing i.e. safety glasses, helmets, shoes or other articles are required these would be supplied and strict adherence to would be policed by all supervisory or management staff.
Staff would attend induction programs and be provided with “THINK SAFETY” literature.
Chemicals & Equipment
Data sheets on all cleaning products used by cleaning staff will be available to clients should they be requested. A cleaning products – Use and Safety details -chart would be drawn up as to products used on individual clients’ sites. Electrical or other equipment supplied will comply with Australian Standards.
Management of Quality Assurance System
All site supervisors and management staff have been trained in the procedures required to implement the Quality Assurance System on client premises. Each level of management has direct responsibility when visiting client premises to ensure that the programs established on site are being controlled efficiently.
Safety in the Workplace – “THINK SAFETY”
If you adhere to the following safety instructions and “THINK SAFETY” as per the attached safety guide you should have an accident free employment.