Priority Property Services
PPS supports & complies with The NSW Modern Slavery Act
For The Modern Slavery Hotline call (02) 9514 8115 or visit the website
Clause for NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018 Compliance
1.1 In performing its obligations under the agreement, the Supplier shall ensure that
each of its subcontractors shall:
(a) comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations in force from time to time including but not limited to the NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018; and
(b) take reasonable steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in the Suppliers or subcontractors supply chains or in any part of their business
2.1 The Supplier represents and warrants that:
(a) neither the Supplier nor any of its officers, employees or other persons associated
with it:
(i) has been convicted of any offence involving slavery and human trafficking; and
(ii) having made reasonable enquiries, to the best of its knowledge, has been or is the subject of any investigation, inquiry or enforcement proceedings by any governmental, administrative or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence of or in connection with slavery and human trafficking.
2.2 The Supplier shall implement due diligence procedures for its own suppliers, subcontractors and other participants to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains.
3.1 The Supplier shall not subcontract its obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of Priority Property Services Pty Ltd.
3.2 In order to help Priority Property Services Pty Ltd reach a decision on a proposed subcontract, the Supplier shall provide Priority Property Services Pty Ltd with a copy of any proposed subcontract, together with any other information that Priority Property Services Pty Ltd may reasonably require about the proposed subcontractor.
3.3 If Priority Property Services Pty Ltd agrees that the Supplier may subcontract its obligations, the Supplier shall implement an appropriate system of due diligence designed to ensure the subcontractor complies with the principles of the NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018 and that the subcontractor shall take reasonable steps to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in the subcontractors supply chains or in any part of its business
4.1 The Supplier shall notify Priority Property Services Pty Ltd as soon as it becomes aware of any actual or suspected slavery or human trafficking in a supply chain which has a connection with this Agreement.
4.2 The Supplier shall prepare and deliver to Priority Property Services Pty Ltd no later than April each year, an annual slavery and human trafficking statement setting out the steps it has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains or in any part of its business.
5.1 The Supplier shall maintain a complete set of records to trace the supply chain of all goods and services provided to Aster in connection with this agreement.
6.1 The Supplier shall implement a system of training for its employees to ensure compliance with the principles of the NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018 and the prevention of modern slavery or human trafficking.
6.2 The Supplier shall keep a record of all training offered and completed by its employees and shall make a copy of the record available to Priority Property Services Pty Ltd on request.
The Supplier represents, warrants and undertakes that it conducts its business in a manner that is consistent with the principles of the NSW Modern Slavery Act 2018.
Priority Property Services Pty Ltd may terminate the agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the Supplier if the Supplier commits a breach of Clauses 1, 2 4 or 7.
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